As we strive to live authentic biblical Christianity in action, the Lord has blessed us with a beautiful campus and church building. But we know that we’re growing. We also know that the Lord is asking more of us.
Our future involves a prayerful search into the ways in which we can grow in our identity as a Christian community. We will constantly search for ways to increase our reception and devotion to the sacraments, deepen in our life of prayer, dive more richly into the teachings of our Faith, especially the Sacred Scriptures, expand our holy fellowship, and increase our service to the poor and those in need.
As a help to these efforts, we have launched the capital campaign, Building God’s Kingdom. And this is truly how we see it! We are in a campaign to build something beautiful for God. This campaign is not about money, it’s about mission!
Our campaign has paid off our current mortgage, supported the charities of our Bishop, and on July 1, 2021 we purchased 56 acres of land down Highway 521. This land will expand our capacity and resources to fulfill the mission given to us by the Lord Jesus.
Playing on the name “Indian Land,” we are affectionately calling these 56 acres, “Catholic Land.” And this is our understanding. We see this land as an investment in the future. We see it as a launching pad for us to do all that the Lord is asking of our parish!
These are our future plans, and we are called to accomplish them together!